The Barn is a non-profit equine program that partners with horses to encourage our clients to be the best versions of themselves: mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Our Vision
We believe that anybody should be able to ride horses.
We believe that finances are a lousy reason to tell someone that they can't learn to ride.
We believe that being around horses is good for humans, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We believe in cleaning stalls.
We believe in community. We believe that life is better with friends, and if those friends like horses, well, that's just swell.
We believe that being outside is GOOD. Especially for kids. But for grown-ups, too.
We don't believe in just showing up and riding. We believe in getting your hands dirty, feeling your horse's soft fur, and getting to know your horse before climbing on.
We believe that it is okay for only one person to win a blue ribbon. We also believe that it is okay to be frustrated about this, as long as you take a deep breath and resolve to try again.
We believe in living a life of abundance, not of scarcity.
There is always enough.

The Barn is a place that speaks to the entire family. My two daughters take riding lessons. They both have very different personalities, but the therapy results they receive through horseback riding are the same--confidence, tranquility, and enjoyment. I find myself grounded after a visit to The Barn too. The smell of the horses and hay, watching the growth of baby goats and seeing the excitement of my children rush to the chicken coop to search for fresh laid eggs. We are filled with appreciation for our many experiences with Miss Elizabeth and the atmosphere her hard work has created at The Barn." - Jen
I truly can’t say enough amazing things about The Barn. My daughter has been taking riding lessons for the past 2 years. Her lesson is the highlight of each week. When we leave she says, “6 more days until I see Cookie again!” Each week she gains confidence, skills, and has a full on therapy session with her horse and coach. The staff has become like family and I could not imagine a better barn for our girl ❤️
Like a piece of country Heaven in the middle of suburbia. So many young people in my community have experienced healing and help here.